Interested in building strength and muscle with bodyweight training but don’t know where to start?
You have found the right guide!
Quick Start Guide to Bodyweight Strength Training is here to get you started with progressive bodyweight strength training.
This guide includes:
• 1-year of training programs that are based on well known strength training splits.
• A free tool to track your workouts in Google Sheets
• Track your progress and level up when it's time
• Exercise progression from beginner to one arm push-up, pistol squat and more
• Basic instruction for each exercise
• Example video links in the training tool
• No Ads, no registration, no third party data storage. It all works from your own Google Drive!
What are you waiting for?
Download the programs and get started today!
What you get exactly:
#1 A training guide for progressive bodyweight strength training
#2 Tracking tool that includes:
• Pre made bodyweight strength training programs based on 2-3x week Fullbody, Upper/lower and bodypart splits
• Customizable workout template with up to 4 workout days a week
• One finger logging with mobile phone
• Guides included to each progression
• Video links included to each exercise
• You can add custom exercises to list
• Training block length 5-12weeks
• Tracking sheet that counts total number of reps done in a workout and highlights the rep count with green if you made progress. If you perform less reps than last time the cell will turn red.
• Planning sheet calculates the training volume for each muscle group for you
• All features implemented with basic sheet functions. No scripts used so it is safe to use and requires no special permissions.
• Go up or down in the progressions and select the exercises according to your strength level.
• Total workout time tracking included
• Track individual exercises as a chart
Have fun building strength and muscle with this guide and tracking tool!