
By Marv Nelson

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As older church leaders, we’ve been told a million times that the Millennials and Gen Xers who are coming up behind us don’t think like we think. We don’t get it and it frustrates us. Guess what? We need to get over it and let it go. Because, get this: it’s up to us to mentor and empower the generations that follow us into church leadership. Sadly, many of us are doing just the opposite; we’re turning them away. So, not only do we need to let go of our ways of doing things, we need to release our young leaders…release them to be the leaders they know they can be. Unleash provides thought-provoking ideas and practical, real-time examples that will help us learn to know, equip, and expectantly release our younger church leaders into the future with trust and confidence.

I am completely weary of dismissive and demeaning articles and books focused on the weak, lazy, entitled character of Millennials and Gen Z.This book is different -- it's helpful and hopeful. I'm glad to have a book to recommend to people leading younger generations into their full capacities - Mark Oestreicher, Partner, The Youth Cartel

Marv Nelson knows that unleashing young leaders must come from an accurate awareness of their emotional, mental and spiritual capabilities plus the right amount of equipping, encouragement and trust. This book is a valuable resource. - Michael Frost, author, Surprise the World

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