In light of today’s extensive use of digital communication, this volume focuses on how to
understand and manage the various types of linguistically-based products that facilitate the use
and extraction of information. Including conceptual and terminological databases, digital
dictionaries, thesauri, language corpora, and ontologies, they all contribute to the development
and improvement of language industries, such as those devoted to automatic translation,
knowledge management, knowledge retrieval, linguistic data analysis, and so on.
As the theoretical background underlying these applications is outlined in detail in the earlier
chapters of the book, the reader is able to establish the necessary links between the various but
related kinds of linguistic –and, in particular, semantic– applications. A general review of several
theories and linguistic models that influence the practical application of Meaning studies to the
new technologies is also included. This book is aimed at students and researchers of
Linguistics, as well as those with a basic knowledge of Linguistics and Semantics who are
interested in the on-going development of the handling of meaning and its practical usage