This invaluable book provides a reflective analysis on European civilization through a Chinese cultural perspective, along with the author's diplomatic experiences in Brussels on the Chinese Mission to the European Union.
The book has three main focuses: maritime civilization, human civilization, and the relations between Chinese (East) and European (West) civilization. It aims to stimulate discussion to rethink the East West relations in terms of globalization and its contributions to a new post-maritime human civilization.
Hai Shang ( ) means elegy of the sea.
He Shang ( ) means elegy of the river.
Contents: Europe in Debt, Civilization in DeclineDecline of European Maritime CivilizationSelf-Abuse: A European StoryModern European Civilization: What is WhatMaritime Civilization, Case of SchizobuliaEuropean Civilization "a la" ChinaWhen China Sets SailG2: How China and Europe CoexistChina, Time for Something European
Readership: Undergraduate students studying Asian history and general public similarly interested in the analysis of East West relations from a historical and cultural perspective.