There are many hotly debated issues about which many people disagree, and where common ground is hard to find. From evolution to environmentalism, war and peace to political partisanship, stem cell research to same-sex marriage, how we think about controversial issues affects how we interact as Latter-day Saints.
In this volume various Latter-day Saint authors address these and other issues from differing points of view. Though they differ on these tough questions, they have all found common ground in the gospel of Jesus Christ and the latter-day restoration. Their insights offer diverse points of view while demonstrating we can still love those with whom we disagree.
James E. Faulconer - Introduction
1 Robert L. Gleave - Paradigms
2 Robert L. Millet - What Is Our Doctrine?
3 Nathan B. Oman - What Do We Mean by “Church Doctrine”
4 Larry Wimmer - Presiding in Our Homes: Are We Doing Too Much or Too Little?
5 Kent R. Brooks - Same-Gender Attraction and Same-Sex Marriage
6 Taylor G. Petrey - Toward a Post-Hetereosexual Mormon Theology
7 Richard N. Williams - Making Meaning and Making Families: Evaluating the Assumptive Grounds for Advocacy For or Against Same-Gender Marriage
8 Camille S. Williams - In Your Patience Possess Ye Your Souls
9 Kristine Haglund - For Louisa
10 Marleen S. Williams - A Journey through Feminism: Reflections of an LDS Woman
11 Margaret Blair Young - All God’s Children Got a Place in the Choir: Race and the Restored Gospel
12 Bruce W. Young - Following Christ in Times of War: Latter-day Saints as Peacemakers
13 Eric A. Eliason - Why We Fight: A Moral and Spiritual Basis for Latter-day Saint Military Service Today
14 Bob Bennett - Why I Am a Republican
15 Richard Davis - Partisanship and the Gospel of Jesus Christ
16 George B. Handley - Heaven and Earth: Thinking through Environmentalism
17 David A. Jensen - An Argument against Embryonic Stem Cell Research
18 Sariah Cottrell and Steven L. Peck - Becoming a Person: Stem Cells and LDS Teachings
19 Daniel Fairbanks - Evolution: From Naiveté to Understanding
20 David Grandy - Genesis and Darwin: Finding Common and Uncommon Ground