Divine Guidance is the doctrine of determining God’s will for your life. God guides you by communicating His will through divine revelation. No believer can know or do the will of God apart from knowing the Word of God.
The Bible reveals numerous mandates that universally declare what the will of God is and is not for every believer. The other intentions God has for your individual life that are not directly stated in Scripture must be determined from Bible doctrine in your soul. From the application of Bible doctrine you will resolve what God wants you to think, what He wants you to do, and where He wants you to go.
As the personal emissaries of the Lord Jesus Christ, you represent Him effectively after salvation only by obeying God’s will for your life. Learning the mandates, categories, and mechanics of divine guidance gives you the basics for doing His will. As you continue to grow to spiritual maturity, you will become confident that you know God’s will for your life at any time and under every circumstance.