
By Timothy Paul Yates

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Dr. Yates' Foundations book reorganizes and renames God's glory as eight original attributes (omnipresent, omni-holy, omni-sufficient, omniscient, omni-harmonious, omnipotent, omni-faithful and omni-historical) each with blessed and cursed-face expressions. He then shows how each original attribute has derivative aspects (presence, holiness, provision, knowledge, unity, rule, integrity and theosynchrony) that are revealed to, on, in and by Christ's humanity: his perfect obedience to the moral law, offices as prophet, priest and king, suffering unto death, resurrection, and ministry in realms and places. The Spirit working by the means of grace, reveals the glory of Christ's cursed and blessed-faces to elect believers, so that by saving faith, his glory might be declared on them (propitiation, justification), formed in them (repentance, vivification) and reflected by them (enmity, peacemaking) in their realms (heavenly, earthly) and places (assembly, creation, diaspora).

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