As an evangelist in the United States and to third world countries, author Mark Anderson has observed first-hand how pride can destroy people and churches, while humility can revive and refresh people--and energize and expand even a fledgling ministry.
When pride comes, then comes shame;but with the humble is wisdom (Proverbs 11:2 NKJV).
Humility: The Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders reveals the conflict between arrogance and humility and explores the fruits of this often-neglected but wholly vital virtue. "The enemy would love for us to neglect humility because of its importance in ushering in the greatest move of God this world has seen," writes the author, who has spent 32 years sharing the Gospel worldwide. "This book helps you navigate your life between blatant pride and false humility helping you recognize what true humility looks like...The book is like a diamond in that humility is the diamond, and Mark helps us see all the various facets of the diamond, and there were many, all of which I found very helpful...
"Humility: The Hidden Key to Walking in Signs and Wonders, is the best book I have ever read on humility, and reveals the importance of humility's relationship to spiritual breakthrough, and revival." -Randy Clark