You'll find golf books, and then you'll find lying, cheating, scheming, dirty trick golf books. This hilarious 120-page edition, from three of golfing's sorest sore losers, drops into the second bunch like a hard-hit hole in one.
In Golf Dirty Tricks, rookie golfers--or duffers who'd die for a winning score--learn fifty abominable and amusing methods to con their way through every golf game. Consider, for example, devious Dirty Trick No. 23: "Always wear loose fitting trousers with a convenient hole in your pants pocket; feel free to slip a new ball into said pocket, down your leg, and onto a better lie whenever the situation dictates. Replace balls as necessary.
Golf Dirty Tricks doesn't stop with such nefarious nudgings. The book comes packaged with its own swindling assistance: a set of the infamous Flat-Top Tees (Dirty Trick No. 1). What duffer, after all, could resist seeing his greatest opponent unnerved by failing to rest his ball atop the tee?
Authors Jim Becker, Andy Mayer, and Rick Wolff boast they've perfected every golf dirty trick in the book. Even so, they make no guarantee that amateur dirty trick golfers will gain their same conniving results--without practice, practice, practice.