Conical Intersections

By Wolfgang Domcke, David Yarkony, David R. Yarkony, Horst Köppel

Conical Intersections
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Pt. I. Fundamental aspects and electronic structure. 1. Conical intersections in organic photochemistry / M.A. Robb. 2. Efficient excited-state deactivation in organic chromophores and biologically relevant molecules: role of electron and proton transfer processes / A.L. Sobolewski and W. Domcke. 3. Three-state conical intersections / S. Matsika. 4. Spin-orbit vibronic coupling in Jahn-Teller systems / L.V. Poluyanov and W. Domcke. 5. Symmetry analysis of geometric-phase effects in quantum dynamics / S.C. Althorpe -- pt. II. Dynamics at conical intersections. 6. Conical intersections in electron photodetachment spectroscopy: theory and applications / M.S. Schuurman and D.R. Yarkony. 7. Multistate vibronic dynamics and multiple conical intersections / S. Faraji, S. Gomez-Carrasco and H. Koppel. 8. Conical intersections coupled to an environment / I. Burghardt [und weitere]. 9. Ab initio multiple spawning: first principles dynamics around conical intersections / S. Yang and T.J. Martinez. 10. Non-Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics for conical intersections, avoided crossings, and weak interactions / A.W. Jasper and D.G. Truhlar. 11. Computational and methodological elements for nonadiabatic trajectory dynamics simulations of molecules / M. Barbatti, R. Shepard and H. Lischka. 12. Nonadiabatic trajectory calculations with ab initio and semiempirical methods / E. Fabiano [und weitere]. 13. Multistate nonadiabatic dynamics "on the fly" in complex systems and its control by laser fields / R. Mitric, J. Petersen and V. Bonacic-Koutecky. 14. Laser control of ultrafast dynamics at conical intersections / Y. Ohtsuki and W. Domcke -- pt. III. Experimental detection of dynamics at conical intersections. 15. Exploring nuclear motion through conical intersections in the UV photodissociation of azoles, phenols and related systems / T.A.A. Oliver [und weitere]. 16. Interrogation of nonadiabatic molecular dynamics via time-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy / M.S. Schuurman and A. Stolow. 17. Pump-probe spectroscopy of ultrafast vibronic dynamics in organic chromophores / N.K. Schwalb [und weitere]. 18. Femtosecond pump-probe polarization spectroscopy of vibronic dynamics at conical intersections and funnels / W.K. Peters, E.R. Smith and D.M. Jonas

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