We like our heroes to wear white hats and our villains to wear black. Scoundrels Who Made America Great takes a fresh view of heroism by using a dramatic event in the life of each scoundrel to illustrate how disreputable labels can obscure heroic deeds.
Some of them are household names. Others have been forgotten till now. Some are villains who turned out to be heroes. Others are heroes who proved to be all too human. They are The Scoundrels. And Martin Henley has brought them to life in a vividly-written volume that overflows with surprising stories, little-known facts, and the pure drama of history. Enjoy.
William Martin, New York Times Bestselling author of The Lost Constitution and The Lincoln Letter By showing that the meanings assigned to the actions of prominent historical figures by contemporaries as well as future generations can fluctuate dramatically, Martin Henleys book inspires readers to reflect on the very nature of history. It helps them to understand that both scoundrels and heroes are made by their deeds as much as by the collective memory that shifts with time and place.
Michal Rozbicki, Professor of History, St. Louis University
With the rigorous research of a scholar and the superb story-telling skills of a novelist, Martin Henley has penned a wonderful book about five historical scoundrels who, upon further reading, were not the dreadful miscreants all of us have been led to believe. Scoundrels who Made America Great is a highly readable and truly enlightening slice of hidden history.
Ronald E. Yates, Dean Emeritus, College of Media Studies, University of Illinois. Bestselling author of Finding Billy Battles
website: www.martinhenley.com blog: www.ironicamericanhistory.blogspot.com