This issue of Surgical Clinics of North America, guest edited by Dr. Adrian Dan, is devoted to Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery. He has assembled expert authors to review the following topics: A Historical Perspective of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery; The Socio-economic Impact of Morbid Obesity and Factors Affecting Access to Obesity Surgery; Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric BypassSurgical Technique and Peri-operative Care; Revisional Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery; Novel Endoscopic and Surgical Techniques for treatment of Morbid Obesity A Glimpse into the Future; Management and Prevention of Surgical and Nutritional Complications After Bariatric Surgery; Resolution of Comorbitidies and Impact on Longevity Following Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery; The Effects of Metabolic Surgery upon Fatty Liver Disease and Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis; Patient Selection and Surgical Management of High Risk Patients with Morbid Obesity; Laparoscopic Sleeve GastrectomySurgical Technique and Peri-operative Care; Rise and Fall of the LAGB as a Bariatric Procedure; Plastic Surgery and Body Contouring Following Weight Loss Surgery; Biliopancreatic Diversion with Duodenal SwitchSurgical Technique and Periopertive Care; Morbid Obesity, Type 2 Diabetes and the Metabolic SyndromePathophysiologic Relationships and Guidelines for Surgical Intervention; Patient Safety and Quality Improvement Initiatives in Contemporary Metabolic and Bariatric Surgical Practice; Type II Diabetes Mellitus A Surgical Disease, and more!