Sometimes heroines are beautiful, smart, and tackle the world. Sometimes, they see the world with a unique pair of eyes. They’re neither bold, clever, nor assertive, but find their own path in life. One that involves piglets.
Augusta Rudhall loves her home, playing the piano, and the yearly litter of piglets. She doesn’t understand people. They never say what they mean, often using sweet words when their intention is to be cruel and are unfaithful friends. She has difficulty figuring out how anyone feels. Yet, she has been told she must marry despite never dreaming of that state.
Nate Fairchild loves bawdy women and bawdy songs. Mostly, he loves the music of ordinary folk and has spent years in London collecting songs from the common people. During a stop at a brothel, he runs into a girl in disguise, discovering ‘Gus’ has inexplicably followed her father there. He hurries her out.
At a ball the next day, he finds Gus weeping in the garden, having been hurt by cruel words. But offering her his handkerchief and a pat on the back ends up compromising her. Both their lives are uprooted, as neither knows anything about the other. Can two more incompatible people find love?