"[A] concise and detailed description of a very complex issue...rich in detail and insight."
--Leslie J. Temme, LCSW
School of Social Work, Adelphi University
"[A] 'must have' resource for practicing professionals and an invaluable teaching tool for social work students....This is precisely the book that mandated reporters seek to assist in the reporting process and understanding their legal obligations."
--Keva M. Miller, PhD, LCSW
School of Social Work, Portland State University
In all states, social workers are required to report suspected child abuse and neglect, and face serious penalties if they fail to do so. But not all cases of abuse are obvious. Mandated reporters are thus confronted with a host of both legal and ethical quandaries when filing a report:
Addressing these questions and more, this book provides clear definitions of different types of child abuse, including physical, sexual, and emotional, and delineates guidelines on how to identify risk factors and signs of child maltreatment.
The authors also clarify difficult ethical issues, including client confidentiality and privileged communication, and present numerous case studies and theoretical vignettes culled from their own experiences as social workers. This guide will be the one resource mandated reporters and social work students cannot do without.