This compelling new book provides a deep examination of the experience of African American males in schools. Moving beyond basic notions of culturally relevant instruction, A Walk in Their Kicks offers new understandings that will assist educators in developing instruction that respects these young men and fosters their participation and success.
Readers will explore the impact that trauma has on the lives of African American students, examine their own perceptions of these students to help them make more appropriate text selections and instructional decisions, and identify the conditions that need to be present to engage African American male students in literacy. Chapters end with “What Teachers Can Do Right Now” and “What Administrators Can Do Right Now,” sections that provide easy-to-implement, practical strategies.
The author believes that literacy gave him a future as an African American male and, at the same time, recalls school friends who never got that chance. He calls for educators to transform schools into environments that are free of negative assumptions about African American males and provides recommendations for engaging in this work.
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