30 Days to a Stronger Novel

By Darcy Pattison

30 Days to a Stronger Novel
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Congratulations! You've written a novel. Now what? It's time to make it the novel of your dreams. Join writer and writing teacher Darcy Pattison on a one-month journey, an easy and effective path toward a stronger novel. 30 DAYS TO A STRONGER NOVEL Each day features: *a short video to introduce the day's topic *an inspirational quote *a Walk-the-Talk writing assignment Write smart with a simple focus for each day's writing. We cover both small and large details: titles, subtitles, openings, closings, setting, characterization, plot and much more. By breaking the revision into small tasks, it becomes manageable--and fun. If you participated in NaNoWriMo, you wrote your novel in 30 days flat. Now, take another 30 days to revise.TABLE OF CONTENTS Watership Down with Armadillos: TitlesSearch Me: SubtitlesDefeat Interruptions: Chapter DivisionsScarlett or Pansy: The Right Character NameMy Wound is Geography: Stronger SettingsHorse Manure: Stronger Setting DetailsWeaklings: Every Character Must MatterTake Your Character's PulseYin-Yang: Connecting Emotional and Narrative ArcsOwls and Foreigners: Unique Character DialogueSneaky Shoes: Inner and Outer Character QualitiesFriends or Enemies? Consistent Character RelationshipsSet Up the Ending: Begin at the BeginningBang, Bang! Ouch! Scene CutsGo Away! Take a BreakPower Abs for NovelsWhite Rocks Lead Me Home: EpiphaniesThe Final ShowdownOne Year Later: Tie up Loose EndsGreat Deeds: Find Your ThemeThe Wide, Bright Lands: Theme Affects SettingRaccoons, Owls, and Billy Goats: Theme Affects CharactersSide Trips: Choosing SubplotsOf Parties, Solos, and Friendships: Knitting Subplots TogetherFeedback: Types of CritiquersFeedback: What You Need from ReadersStay the CoursePlease Yourself FirstThe Best Job I Know to DoLive. Read. Write.

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