Exceptionally well researched and fully revised, Financial Statement Fraud, Second Edition provides thorough coverage of the nature and extent of financial reporting fraud. Authors and accounting experts Zabihollah Rezaee and Richard Riley describe the most successful methods for preventing, detecting, and controlling incidents of financial reporting fraud and offer reliable guidance from standard-setting organizations such as the PCAOB, AICPA, and the SEC. Real-life case studies of companies guilty of such fraud—and a discussion of the consequences—help illustrate important concepts.
Thoroughly updated for today's marketplace, Financial Statement Fraud, Second Edition contains sample reports, examples, and documents that promote a realistic understanding of financial statement fraud and the investigation of fraudulent financial reporting allegations centered on the elements of fraud: the act, the concealment, and the conversion or benefit to the perpetrator.
Whether you are a manager, board of director, executive, or auditor, the Second Edition updates you on all the important issues regarding financial statement fraud, including:
With practical tools and techniques for carrying out antifraud responsibilities, Financial Statement Fraud, Second Edition is the only resource you will need to identify early warning signs of financial misconduct and a reliable, practical guide to preventing it.