"Think Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau with Don Knotts and Tim Conway from the Apple Dumpling Gang mixing with John Travolta as Vincent Vega along with a gang of murderous otters and that's just a portion of what you'll find."
asinine [as-i-nine] adjective
1: extremely or utterly foolish or silly
2: of, relating to, or resembling an ass
Synonyms: absurd, balmy, brainless, bubbleheaded, cockeyed, crackpot, crazy, cuckoo, daffy, daft, dippy, dotty, fatuous, feather-headed, fool, foolish, half-baked, half-witted, harebrained, inept, insane, jerky, kooky, loony, lunatic, lunkheaded, mad, nonsensical, nutty, preposterous, sappy, screwball, senseless, silly, simpleminded, stupid, tomfool, unwise, wacky, weak-minded, witless
CRIME FICTION WITH A DIFFERENCEEach of the 24 stories in the Asinine Assassins anthology involves a character (e.g., assassin, contract killer, hitman) with the above synonyms in mind. Asinine Assassins is an anthology of stories about inept, brainless, ridiculous hired guns, assassins, and murderers. Be ready for plenty of humor, action, suspense, and mystery. Black humor. Bizarre incidents, Surreal situations. Some stories are gritty, some grisly, but all are entertaining.
The first two books in the 'Assassins' anthology series, Uncommon Assassins and Insidious Assassins were well-received and reviewed. Most readers enjoyed the diversity of genres and styles in these books, and Asinine Assassins continued that diversity with the new anthology. This time, however, the stories focused on incompetent and lunatic characters-with a dash of dark humor flavoring the suspense. This is NOT your typical crime fiction. If you love a wonderful blend of mystery, suspense, noir, humor, and general weirdness, expect to be surprised and entertained!
Dumbass -- F.J. Talley
There's One for You, Nineteen for Me -- Carson Buckingham
Upchuck Chuck -- Bruce Harris
Dirty Pool -- Chris Bauer
Mr. Benedict's Wild Ride -- Robin Hill-Page Glanden
Payback: With Interest -- Matt Hilton
Shooting Fish -- James Dorr
Jug Handles -- Albert Tucher
Short-Order Crook -- J. Gregory Smith
Blood in the Urine -- Martin Zeigler
Just Call Wally -- Wil A. Emerson
Aiding and Abetting -- Adrian Ludens
Lizards and Other Varmints -- Shari Held
Killer Fashion -- Maddi Davidson
Angling -- Ben Gamblin
Small Claws, Small Guns -- Jezzy Wolfe
The Butcher -- Robert Petyo
The Adventure of the Asinine Assassin -- Rick Hudson
The Last Hit -- Eldon Litchfield
Killings 4 Sale -- Blair Keetch
The Third Date Rule -- Jeff Markowitz
One Good Thing -- Kevin P. Thornton
Deerman -- Weldon Burge