The Essential Gibran

By Kahlil Gibran, Suheil B. Bushrui

The Essential Gibran
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Presented in an attractive gift book format and commemorating theeventy-fifth anniversary of the passing of Kahlil Gibran, "The Essentialibran" is a volume of selected passages representative of Gibran's style andhought. Offering a wide variety of theme, occasion, mood, and form, hisssential style is captured in reflective poetic prose, dramatic sketches,llegories and parables, national and international addresses, and romanticritings of all kinds. Evident throughout is his abiding respect forniversal human rights, the equality of men and women, and religiousolerance. This is a wonderful insight into a universal figure whose profoundumanity and concern for the highest standards of integrity in both a moralnd literary sense transcends the boundaries between cultures, which have tooften found themselves in opposition to each other.