In a time when we are short on role models and often forced to look beyond the Muslim community for inspiration and heroes, we cannot forget the exemplary lives of the Sahaba. This special group was hand-picked by Allah and raised by the Prophet (sa) to imbue the message and carry it one to their successors.
The stories of their extraordinary lives have been capsuled in this first part of a three-part collection which touches on every aspect of their inspiring lives, reveals their humanness and how they dreamed and breathed like us. The one outstanding difference was that their hearts beat with the love of Allah and His Prophet (sa), which empowered them to overcome every struggle and live free of idolizing any culture, nation, or ideology. Like the Prophet (sa) said, "If one of you gives equal to Mount Uhud in charity it would not equal to one mudd or even half a mudd they gave in charity" (Bukhari). In essence, they lived of, by, and for Allah only.
This modern translation of the first volume of Hayat al-Sahaba is the first of its kind on the market in reflowable eBook format with a comprehensive commentary that provides relevance and extracts valuable lessons for our times. The volume begins with a detailed description of the Prophet's (sa) physical characteristics, how the work of da'wah started and how the Sahaba carried it out in their era. The Hayat al-Sahaba series has inspired millions to understand Islam beyond concept, theory, and interpretations. It immerses us into the reality of living Islam past, present, and future and that we can all be shaded by the mercy of Allah despite our differences like the Sahaba who all achieved the pleasure of Allah despite their many differences.
Translator: Shaykh Asim Ahmad has many years of experience in translating classical works from Urdu/Arabic into English. His translations preserve the originality of a work while keeping the natural flow that allows the reader to enjoy the translation as if they were reading the original.
He is also the author of the bestselling Haj and Umra: The Epic Journey.