What separates good leaders from brilliant ones?
How do you successfully move your school or district from mediocrity to brilliance? Drawing on their vast expertise in the business and education worlds, the authors provide a simple and sustainable framework that will help you overcome educational inertia to reach new heights of achievement. The authors use the four forces of flight as a powerful metaphor:
With relevant case studies and tangible tools and techniques, Releasing Leadership Brilliance will show you how to make deep, lasting change in your school or district.
"It’s unbelievable that this compact book could hold that much information and examples in only four chapters. Great read! Great examples! This book is a call to action. I’m unable to read this book and not want to try something new!"
Delsia Malone, Principal
W. E. Striplin Elementary, Gadsden, AL
"The quest to find our best selves, live our best lives, and shine with our own brilliance is the heart’s desire of every human being. NASSP supports Great Leaders in every school who are committed to the success of each student. Through this commitment we provide resources to school leaders as they journey to develop themselves, their teachers, and their students. NASSP enthusiastically endorses this book. This book is a brilliant light."
Dr. Beverly Hutton
NASSP Deputy Executive Directer/Chief Program Officer