Liberties Journal of Culture and Politics

By Elliot Ackerman, Durs Grünbein, David Haziza, Thomas Chatterton Williams, A E Stallings, Anita Shapira, Paul Berman, Adam Zagajewski, Clara Collier, Sally Satel, Michael Kimmage, R B Kitaj, Peg Boyers, Matthew Stephenson, Helen Vendler

Liberties Journal of Culture and Politics
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"A Meteor of Intelligent Substance"

"Something was Missing in our Culture, and Here It Is"

Liberties - A Journal of Culture and Politics features new essays and poetry from some of the world's best writers and artists to inspire and impact the intellectual and creative lifeblood of our current culture and today's politics.

This summer issue of Liberties includes: Elliot Ackerman on Veterans Are Not Victims; Durs Grünbein on Fascism and the Writer; R.B. Kitaj's Three Tales; Thomas Chatterton Williams on The Blessings of Assimilation; Anita Shapira on The Fall of Israel's House of Labor; Sally Satel on Woke Medicine; Matthew Stephenson On Corruption's Honey and Poison; Helen Vender on Wallace Stevens; David Haziza on Illusions of Immunity; Paul Berman on the Library of America; Clara Collier's nostalgia for strong women in film; Michael Kimmage on American Inquisitions; Leon Wieseltier (editor) on the high price of Stoicism; Celeste Marcus (managing editor) on a Native American Tragedy; and new poetry from Adam Zagajewski, A.E. Stallings, and Peg Boyers.