In this project, we provide you with the SQLite sample database named chinook. The chinook sample database is a good database for practicing with SQL, especially SQLite. The detailed description of the database can be found on: https://www.
There are 11 tables in the chinook sample database:The employee table stores employees data such as employee id, last name, first name, etc. It also has a field named ReportsTo to specify who reports to whom; customers table stores customers data; invoices & invoice_items tables: these two tables store invoice data. The invoice table stores invoice header data and the invoice_items table stores the invoice line items data; The artist table stores artists data. It is a simple table that contains only the artist id and name; The album table stores data about a list of tracks. Each album belongs to one artist. However, one artist may have multiple albums; The media_type table stores media types such as MPEG audio and AAC audio files; genre table stores music types such as rock, jazz, metal, etc; The track table stores the data of songs. Each track belongs to one album; playlist & playlist_track tables: The playlist table store data about playlists. Each playlist contains a list of tracks. Each track may belong to multiple playlists. The relationship between the playlist table and track table is many-to-many. The playlist_track table is used to reflect this relationship.
In this project, you will write Python script to create every table and insert rows of data into each of them. You will develop GUI with PyQt5 to each table in the database. You will also create GUI to plot: case distribution of order date by year, quarter, month, week, and day; the distribution of amount by year, quarter, month, week, day, and hour; the bottom/top 10 sales by employee, the bottom/top 10 sales by customer, the bottom/top 10 sales by customer, the bottom/top 10 sales by artist, the bottom/top 10 sales by genre, the bottom/top 10 sales by play list, the bottom/top 10 sales by customer city, the bottom/top 10 sales by customer city, the bottom/top 10 sales by customer city, the payment amount by month with mean and EWM, the average payment amount by every month, and amount payment in all years.