Chemical derivatisation of functional groups has proved popular since the beginning of organic mass spectrometry as a means to enhance the stability and volatility of the analytes as well as facilitating structure elucidation. This book provides comprehensive information on the wide range of derivatisation methods. Each chapter looks at a particular area of derivatisation and includes extensive references to the literature for further research where necessary. There are nearly 1800 references, which, as well as full bibliographic information, include chapter/paper titles where appropriate and Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs) to allow easy retrieval of the online version of the referenced publication.
The emergence of atmospheric pressure ionisation and other soft ionisation techniques has not diminished the interest in such chemical techniques, as witnessed by the many chemical tags used in quantitative proteomics (Chapter 9). The last two chapters, a substantial part of the book, deal with derivatisation for use with soft ionisation of both small and large molecules.