Christian Writers' Market Guide 2001

By Sally E. Stuart

Christian Writers' Market Guide 2001
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An annual book that continues to supply invaluable information
The Christian Writers' Market Guide 2001 is not only the most up-to-date marketing resource for Christian writers--it is the only one written exclusively for this specialized market. It includes over 1,200 potential markets (along with all the information needed to contact them), and tells you exactly what publishers are interested in what topics or types of books, articles or stories. In addition to the market listings, it is filled with unlimited resources to make the writer's life easier and more focused: greeting card/specialty markets; agents; writer's conferences and groups; editorial services; contests; market analysis; a listing of publishers and publications by denomination or corporate group; publisher's e-mail and Web sites; and a large section of resources for writers--many online. This guide has become indispensible to beginning and advanced writers, full-time freelancers, agents, editors, publishers, publicists, and writing classes.