About two thousand years ago, J. C. De Lord came to Earth to perform a miracle so the saints would continue to believe in him. But too much time has passed since his last visit. Saddened by the thought that his disciples have forgotten him, J. C. decides to make a guest appearance as a player at Super Bowl XLIV. With kickoff only an hour away, J. C. enters the New Orleans Saints locker room at Sun Life Stadium ready to play some football.
With the air filled with eager anticipation, it is a picture-perfect evening for the Saints to battle their worthy opponent, the devilish Virginia Villains. Chosen to play quarterback in the second half of the game, J. C. has one big problem he has never played football. With Apostles and Saints as his teammates, J. C. and Coach Fumble Pitts somehow manage to pull off a few miraculous plays that include walking on water, speaking in tongues, and a Hail Mary pass like no other.
ALL SAINTS PLAY is a humorous tale filled with delightful and despicable characters who prove that sometimes all a football team needs to win is a miraculous intervention.