As you’ll recall, the previous book in the series ended with a shocking revelation. Now, Sam and her mentor, the incompetent and rude but strangely likeable Esmelia Sniff, have been separated and evil is beginning to dominate the world.
It’s the longest, coldest winter since records began and the newspapers are reporting sightings of strange and evil creatures making their way towards the Bleak Fortress. Inside the fortress Sam is a prisoner to Diabolica's evil plans while her friend, the potion expert Helza Poppin, is trapped in the dungeon and scheduled for torture.
Things ain’t looking good.
Approximately 35,000 words/Age range: 8+
Follow Esmelia Sniff on Twitter:@esmeliasniff and on Facebook
Other titles in the Witches at War! series include The Wickedest Witch (9781843651314) and The White Wand (9781843651345).