An Archaeological Guide to Northern Central America

By Joyce Kelly

An Archaeological Guide to Northern Central America
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Tikal, Copán, Uaxactún - ancient Maya cities whose names conjure up romance, mystery, and science all at once. Joyce Kelly’s clear descriptions and captivating photographs of these and many other sites will make you want to pack your bags and head for Central America. And when you arrive, this guidebook will not let you down. It covers 38 sites and 25 museums - more than any other guidebook - in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. Kelly’s information is accurate and up to date: she has visited every site personally. The descriptions include all the major, well-known sites and many not appearing other guidebooks.

Kelly describes each site and museum, from its pyramids and temples to its hieroglyphic stairways and "eccentric flints." She includes many site plans, and her description of each site includes its ancient history as well as its recent archaeological activity.

Equally important, Kelly describes exactly how to get there. Clear maps and precise written directions include the distance (in miles and kilometers) and the driving time required for each segment of the trip. If you need a four-wheel-drive vehicle to negotiate rutted dirt roads, Kelly tells you. If you need a guide, she tells you where to find one.

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