Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory

By Scott Appelrouth, Laura Desfor Edles

Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theory
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Feminist Theory Significant Others Nancy Chodorow (1944?): The Reproduction of Mothering Dorothy Smith (1926?): A Biographical Sketch Intellectual Influences and Core Ideas Smith?s Theoretical Orientation READINGS Introduction to Institutional Ethnography From Institutional Ethnography (2005) Introduction to The Everyday World as Problematic From The Everyday World as Problematic (1987) Patricia Hill Collins (1948?): A Biographical Sketch Intellectual Influences and Core Ideas Collins?s Theoretical Orientation READING Introduction to Black Feminist Thought From Black Feminist Thought (1990/2000) Judith Butler (1957?): A Biographical Sketch Intellectual Influences and Core Ideas Butler?s Theoretical Orientation READING Introduction to?Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire? From?Subjects of Sex/Gender/Desire? (1990) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 15. Poststructural and Postmodern Theories Defining Poststructuralism Defining Postmodernism Michel Foucault (1926?1984): A Biographical Sketch Intellectual Influences and Core Ideas Foucault?s Theoretical Orientation READING Introduction to Discipline and Punish From Discipline and Punish (1975) Jean Baudrillard (1929?): A Biographical Sketch Intellectual Influences and Core Ideas Baudrillard?s Theoretical Orientation READING Introduction to Simulacra and Simulations From Simulacra and Simulations (1981) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 16. Contemporary Theoretical Syntheses Pierre Bourdieu (1930?2002): A Biographical Sketch Intellectual Influences and Core Ideas Bourdieu?s Theoretical Orientation Significant Others Randall Collins (1941?): Bridging the Micro and Macro READINGS Introduction to?Social Space and the Genesis of Groups? From?Social Space and the Genesis of Groups? (1985) Introduction to?Outline of a Sociological Theory of Art Perception? From?Outline of a Sociological Theory of Art Perception? (1968) J¿rgen Habermas (1929?): A Biographical Sketch Intellectual Influences and Core Ideas Habermas?s Theoretical Orientation READINGS Introduction to?Civil Society, Public Opinion, and Communicative Power? From?Civil Society, Public Opinion, and Communicative Power? (1994) Introduction to?The Tasks of a Critical Theory of Society? From?The Tasks of a Critical Theory of Society? (1987) Anthony Giddens (1938?): A Biographical Sketch Intellectual Influences and Core Ideas Giddens? Theoretical Orientation READINGS Introduction to The Constitution of Society From The Constitution of Society (1984) Introduction to The Consequences of Modernity From The Consequences of Modernity (1990) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 17. The Global Society Defining Globalization Immanuel Wallerstein (1930?): A Biographical Sketch Intellectual Influences and Core Ideas Wallerstein?s Theoretical Orientation READING Introduction to?The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System? From?The Rise and Future Demise of the World Capitalist System: Concepts for Comparative Analysis? (1974) Edward Said (1935?2003): A Biographical Sketch Intellectual Influences and Core Ideas Significant Others Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (1942?): Can the Subaltern Speak? Frantz Fanon (1925?1961): The Father of Postcolonial Studies Said?s Theoretical Orientation READING Introduction to Orientalism From Orientalism (1978) DISCUSSION QUESTIONS References Source Information Index.

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