From the pulp magazines devoted to stories of the Wild West emerged a few genuine craftsmen with a deep understanding of human nature: Wayne D. Overholser, author of more than 100 novels and 400 stories, was one of these writers.
Overholser's stories fulfill the requirements of the Western genre--plenty of fast action; characters alone facing incredible odds; right invariably triumphing over wrong, law and order over chaos and anarchy; a good man winning the right woman. Stephen Overholser in his Introduction to his father's stories points out that the stories were written after "a great deal of research into the history of the West. Thus he gave his stories historical backgrounds or at least imbued them with historical realities." He could also draw upon his own memories, because he had grown up knowing many true pioneers. Stephen Overholser also notes that unlike many pulp writers, Wayne D. Overholser "envisioned his stories through the eyes of his characters."