For Generations to Come - Book 12 the Return to Gettysburg

By Ronnie Lee

For Generations to Come - Book 12 the Return to Gettysburg
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Book 12 The return to Gettysburg - 1950's the author's personal experience at GettysburgI was born Ronald Lee Knauss (1951 to ? author) on April 17, 1951, in Greenville Michigan at the original United Memorial Hospital, because I wanted to be close to my mother. I was spanked on the butt by Dr. Robert E. Rice and sent on my way. The small industrial town was surrounded by farming neighborhoods. There were several churches, two drugstores where you could get a real Coco-Cola or ice cream soda, and everybody knew who you were. Most families went to church on Sunday but if yours could not make it, there was always someone that would give you a ride. And sometimes if you were lucky, on the way home they might ask you, "Jee-eet-yet?" And when translated from Michigan slang to English this meant, "Have you had anything to eat yet today?" Then they would ask, "Want-2?" Translation, "Would you like to come home with us and have some Sunday dinner before we take you back home." I always said, "yes."

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