First Paper : Comparative Government and Politics
1.Comparative Politics, 2 .Approaches to Comparative Politics, 3 .Federal and Unitary System, 4. Constitutional Structure : Executives, 5 .Constitutional Structure : Legislature, 6. Constitutional Structure : Judiciary, 7. Methods of Amendment of Major Constitutions,
Second Paper : Ancient and Medieval Western Political Thought
1.Plato, 2.Aristotle, 3. Post—Aristotelian and Roman Political Thought, 4. St. Augustine, 5 .St. Thomas and Marsiglio, 6 .Church—State Relationship,
Third Paper : Contemporary Issues in Indian Politics
1.Nation—Building and National Integration, 2 .Secularism and Reservation, 3 .Press in Indian Democracy, 4. Coalition Governments in India, 5. Autonomy of States, 6. Naxalism in India, 7. Electoral Reforms, 8. Idioms of Indian Politics.