Post-Structuralism and the Question of History

By Derek Attridge, Geoff Bennington, Robert Young

Post-Structuralism and the Question of History
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Introduction: posing the question Geoff Bennington and Robert Young Part I. History, Marxism and the Institution: 1. Demanding history Geoff Bennington 2. Speculations on reading Marx: after reading Derrida Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak 3. Texts in history: the determinations of readings and their texts Tony Bennett 4. Criticism and institutions: the American university Jonathan Culler Part II. Difference and History: 5. History traces Marian Hobson 6. Derrida and Foucault: writing the history of historicity Ann Wordsworth 7. The practice of historical investigation Mark Cousins Part III. Aesthetics and History: 8. Of aesthetic and historical determination Rodolphe Gashé 9. The sign of history Jean-Franç ois Lyotard Part IV. History as Text: 10. Language as history/history as language: Saussure and the romance of etymology Derek Attridge 11. Fallen differences, phallogocentric discourses: losing Paradise Lost to history Mary Nyquist 12. Ezra Pound: the erasure of history Maud Ellmann 13. The phonograph in Africa: international phonocentrism from Stanley to Sarnoff William Pietz Notes on the contributors Index.

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