Tears of Lady Meng

By C. S. Song

Tears of Lady Meng
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Here is a superb example of the new way of doing theology. C.S. Song tells a charming story of long ago and then proceeds to draw some not-so-charming implications for what it means in our time. The "safe" tale turns out to have devastating impact on what we thought was our own secure world. Scripture, tears, prophetic insight, social analysis, politics, hope -- all of them are incorporated in this deceptively small package.
Robert McAfee Brown
Professor of Theology and Ethics
Pacific School of Religion

This is a poignant meditation that cannot be labeled. Song's way of theology is his own; it challenges everyone.
Charles C. West
Dean and Professor of Christian Ethics
Princeton Theological Seminary

I watch for whatever this man from South-East Asia writes.
John A.T. Robinson
author of Honest to God

C.S. Song is among the most creative theologians writing today. He is one of the reasons why many today contend that the most important theological writings are coming from Third World theologians.
James H. Cone
Charles A. Briggs Professor of Systematic Theology
Union Theological Seminary, New York

C.S. Song is at present on the staff of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches. Formerly he was Principal of the Tainan Theological College, Taiwan, and also Professor of Systematic Theology. Among his publications are Christian Mission in Reconstruction (Orbis), Third-Eye Theology (Orbis and Lutterworth), and The Compassionate God (Orbis and SCM).

The drawings included in the book are by the well-known Brazilian artist Claudius S.P. Ceccon.

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