Alter Ego

By Jim Amash

Alter Ego
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ALTER EGO: CENTENNIAL is a celebration of 100 issues, and 50 years, of ALTER EGO, Roy Thomas' legendary super-hero fanzine. It's a double-size triple-threat book, with twice as many pages as the regular magazine, plus special features just for this anniversary edition! Behind a RICH BUCKLER/JERRY ORDWAY JSA cover, ALTER EGO celebrates its 100th issue and the 50th anniversary of A/E (Vol. 1) #1 in 1961--as ROY THOMAS is interviewed by JIM AMASH about the 1990s at DC and several independents! Learn secrets behind ALL-STAR SQUADRON--INFINITY, INC.--ARAK, SON OF THUNDER--CAPTAIN CARROT--JONNI THUNDER, a.k.a. THUNDERBOLT--ALTER EGO the comic book--CAPTAIN THUNDER & BLUE BOLT--ELRIC OF MELNIBONE--and more! With rare art and artifacts by GEORGE PÉREZ, TODD McFARLANE, RICH BUCKLER, JERRY ORDWAY, MIKE MACHLAN, GIL KANE, GENE COLAN, DICK GIORDANO, ALFREDO ALCALA, TONY DEZUNIGA, ERNIE CÓLON, STAN GOLDBERG, SCOTT SHAW!, ROSS ANDRU, and many more! Plus special anniversary editions of Alter Ego staples Mr. Monster's Comic Crypt, Fawcett Collectors of America (FCA)--and ALEX WRIGHT's amazing color collection of 1940s DC pinup babes!

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