In order to work with today's networks that handle integrated text, data, and interactive voice and video, you must possess a thorough understanding of switches and the newest technologies that make sophisticated network services possible.
Building Switched Networks provides a comprehensive, technical survey of the networking technologies that comprise the core of evolving LAN and WAN infrastructures. This book gives you essential background information, clear descriptions of relevant technologies, and an understanding of how those technologies will be employed throughout networks in the near future. In particular, the text focuses on developments that support our increasing demand for network bandwidth--multilayer switching, delivery guarantees, and multicasting--and examines performance issues, resource allocation, network policy, and network services.
Using a ground-up approach, the book begins with network demands, examines various kinds of available switches, and progresses to the state-of-the-art technologies that are quickly permeating our networking infrastructure. Specifically, you will learn about:
Building Switched Networks then widens the scope of discussion beyond the details of these technologies to examine the demands that will be placed on networks in the future and successful management strategies for meeting those demands.