Marital and Family Therapy, now in its Fourth Edition, remains a classic text for psychiatrists and family therapists -- trainees and practitioners alike. The authors of this definitive work (previous editions have been widely adopted throughout Europe and translated into Japanese and Chinese) combine psychiatric and integrative family models into a single framework.
As in previous editions, the authors make a statement about the current state of the art of family intervention, asserting that a more sophisticated, integrative approach is required to keep up with the recent growth and changes in the field -- and thus prompting them to expand and rewrite the text. Readers will discover a fresh understanding of family therapy's underlying principles, hypotheses, and treatment techniques; of the effects of gender, culture, class, and race on both therapist and family as they work together; and of the complex ethical issues involved.
The authors' thoughtful use of objectives as a road map within each of this volume's 31 chapters ensures that beginners can find their way through its wealth of information. The authors have • Rewritten the chapter on how new attitudes and information about gender, culture, race, and class are affecting family theory building, including new information about single-parent and remarried families, gay and lesbian families, African American families, the effects of abuse, the complexities of AIDS, and family response to reproductive events.• Added a section on treating Axis I disorders by combining family therapy with medication, including revisions throughout this volume for compatibility with DSM-IV and ICD-1.• Added a section that emphasizes the importance of the new subspecialty of family systems medicine.• Incorporated new data into their discussion on how to handle incest, violence, suicide, and the family responses to these problems.• Updated sections on family therapy effectiveness and training, as well as on the ethical, financial, and professional issues facing therapists today.
With two new authors, up-to-date references for the advanced therapist, and suggested readings for both instructor and student, this volume will spend little time on the shelf. Psychiatrists, family therapists, social workers, nurses, family education teachers, counselors, family physicians, and family law professionals will turn to this practical reference time and time again as they seek a better understanding of the evolving field of marital and family therapy.