Survival Analysis

By David G. Kleinbaum, Mitchel Klein

Survival Analysis
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This is the second edition of this text on survival analysis, originallypublishedin1996. Asinthe?rstedition,eachch- ter contains a presentation of its topic in “lecture-book” f- mat together with objectives, an outline, key formulae, pr- tice exercises, and a test. The “lecture-book” format has a sequence of illustrations and formulae in the left column of eachpageandascriptintherightcolumn. Thisformatallows youtoreadthescriptinconjunctionwiththeillustrationsand formulae that high-light the main points, formulae, or ex- ples being presented. This second edition has expanded the ?rst edition by adding three new chapters and a revised computer appendix. The three new chapters are: Chapter 7. Parametric Survival Models Chapter 8. Recurrent Event Survival Analysis Chapter 9. Competing Risks Survival Analysis Chapter 7 extends survival analysis methods to a class of s- vival models, called parametric models, in which the dist- bution of the outcome (i. e. , the time to event) is speci?ed in termsofunknownparameters. Manysuchparametricmodels are acceleration failure time models, which provide an alt- native measure to the hazard ratio called the “acceleration factor”. The general form of the likelihood for a parametric model that allows for left, right, or interval censored data is also described. The chapter concludes with an introduction to frailty models. Chapter8considerssurvivaleventsthatmayoccurmorethan once over the follow-up time for a given subject. Such events are called “recurrent events”.

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