"The study of art is the most important study a garden designer can pursue." -Marco Polo Stufano, garden designer and curator
In Art and the Gardener, Gordon Hayward's tenth book on garden design, he makes a radical departure from his earlier approaches in order to explore elements of visual language across two artistic disciplines-fine painting and garden design-in hopes that the remarkable crosscurrents will help reveal how to design or simply appreciate your garden with greater acuity. In celebrating the visual language garden designers share with painters and artists such as Thomas Cole, Camille Pissarro, Piet Mondrian, Paul C�zanne, Claude Monet, Henri Matisse, Gustav Klimt, Vincent van Gogh, and many others, Hayward explains how, by looking at fine paintings you admire, you can more carefully choose your garden style, the relationship between house and garden, the overall composition, specific design principles, roles trees play in the garden, color, and how to bring it all together.
Gordon Hayward is the author of several books, including The Welcoming Garden, Small Buildings, Small Gardens, The Intimate Garden: Twenty Years and Four Seasons in Our Garden, Garden Paths: Inspiring Designs and Practical Projects, and Your House, Your Garden: A Foolproof Approach to Garden Design, as well as a variety of articles for Horticulture Magazine. He is also a contributing editor for Fine Gardening Magazine. Gordon travels extensively across the country, designing residential gardens and lecturing on garden design. He lives in Westminster West, Vermont.
Front cover photographs:
Upper left: Garden of Sybile Kreutzberger and Pamela Schwerdt, England, � 2008 Gordon Hayward
Upper right: Amedeo Bocchi, In the Park, � 2008 SCALA/Art Resource, New York, New York
Lower: Henri Rousseau, The Dream, � 2008 SCALA/Art Resource, New York, New York
Back cover photographs:
Upper left: Willard Leroy Metcalf, Dogwood Blossoms, � 2008 The Florence Griswold Museum, Old Lyme,
Upper right: Garden of Carol Mercer, Long Island, New York, � 2008 Gordon Hayward
Lower left: � 2008 John Glover
Lower right: The author's garden, � 2008 Gordon Hayward
Front flap photo: Claude Monet, The Flower Garden, � 2008 Reunion des Mus�es Nationaux/Art Resource, New York, New York
Jacket design by Susan McClellan