A History of European Socialism

By Albert S. Lindemann

A History of European Socialism
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This is a serious and accomplished synthesis. . . . Biographical vignettes enliven the presentation of ideas, and references to studies of regional diversities . . . give the narrative an uncommonly rich texture. . . . Lucid and illuminating. . . . It is the best book on the subject to put into the hands of our students.--Helmut Gruber, International Labor and Working Class History
A synthetic narrative by a young academic scholar . . . who has independent ideas on an important subject. . . . This book is worth reading if for no other reason than its modest, but nonpatronizing rehabilitation from generations of Marxist caricature of a host of deeply democratic European socialists.--James H. Billington, Washington Post Book World
One asset of this book is its lack of the overbearing personal partisanship one finds in so many historical studies of socialism. . . . [Lindeman incorporates] some recent and inaccessible studies in social history written 'from the bottom up.'--David D'Arcy, World View
As a whole, Lindemann offers a more balanced treatment of the ideas and the movement of socialism than found in many extant histories. . . . A must for all college and university libraries.--Choice
A competent and fair-minded study of a controversial subject. It presents much factual material and judicious interpretation in lucid prose.--L. S. Stavrianos, Los Angeles Times Book Review

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