The Anime Encyclopedia

By Jonathan Clements, Helen McCarthy

The Anime Encyclopedia
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From the Publisher: Bigger and better! Our first edition rocked the anime world with its in-depth entries on anime famous and obscure and its superb index/film finder. Now this fantastic book is 40 percent larger-with all-new entries on hundreds of anime released after 2001, updates on older entries, and over fifty thousand words on anime creators (like Tezuka and Otomo) and genres ("Early Anime," "Science Fiction and Robots," etc.). An absolute must-have for every anime shelf! "If I only had space on my overcrowded shelf for one book on anime, this would be it. If I had no space on my shelf I'd select two books at random and drop them into the bin, just to make room it's that indispensable." Paul Jacques, Anime on DVD". While you may not agree with their opinions on a given anime, they are informative and entertaining, especially when skewering a really bad anime." Frames Per Second.

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