
By Jack J. Rossate

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DECEIT is a story about the Presidency of Bill Springer. DECEIT is the story about the President, Bill Springer. When you keep that in mind you will follow the frightening possibility for this fiction to become reality.

The Presidency of the most powerful nation in the world is an tremendous responsibility. The Noble Experiment of the Founding Fathers has proven to be beyond the ability of rogues and charlatans to tarnish, try as they might. The American people have been able to survive and the country has grown stronger for it.

The story begins with an innocuous piece of background, a small snapshot of the authors belief that nothing just happens. In DECEIT you can see how a First Family also includes its own extended family and how each members goals can be subverted. Power, it has been said, corrupts. This book should leave you with no doubt that it not only corrupts but that corruption can flow like flood waters if left unchecked.

You will see people struggling to make a better life for themselves finding that they are caught up in something beyond their control. You will find good people who are just going along with the program because they dont want to make waves. These people suddenly find out that the program has taken them to a place they never wanted to go and now cannot get out of.

But you will also see that some people have the courage or perseverance to either extricate themselves or combat the force that power exerts. There are good people out there and you will see them. The troubling characteristic that you will have to cope with is that there are also some bad people who do good things every once in a while. It will be left to you to make the moral judgments on them.

The book is fast paced as it wings its way through but a few days in the life of the President and his family. The writing style keeps you moving so that you can see how seemingly unconnected events are truly connected, in some cases they are actually bound together. You will come away from the book with a new perspective on life and, perhaps, a new perspective on government. If nothing else, it should make you want to open your eyes and ears to learn everything you can about candidates for public office. It should have you make your right to vote into your responsibility to vote, and do it in an informed manner.

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