This "venerable introductory anesthesia text" (Anesthesia & Analgesia, review of last edition) conveys essential concepts of safe anesthesia practice to those beginning the study of anesthesia. The New Edition also serves as a concise review of important clinical issues for more experienced practitioners.
Reviews of the Last Edition:
"An accurate, concise, well-documented and highly readable text...the premiere beginner's text since its inception...should continue to generate its well-deserved popularity with medical students...residents, and those physicians in other specialties who require a survey of the field."
--Anesthesia & Analgesia
"Well-crafted chapters detailing the 'how to' aspects of anesthesia practice...The new editors have transformed a good work into something even better."
Uses tables to summarize essential information for rapid access.Includes clinical samples that explain scientific information, making it easier for the reader to understand the direct application of basic science to medical practice.
Features new, up-to-date coverage of topics of increasing importance to clinical practice, including those that have been added to ABA and RRC requirements for residencies and residents.Saves research time by providing information on anesthesia that is not conveniently available elsewhere in medical literature.
Presents a chapter that describes the actual conduct of an anesthetic, explaining the thinking as well as the technical steps of a general anesthetic.Revised and updated throughout, including new authors, new topics of current interest (sevoflurane, transesophageal echocardiography, the metabolic response to operation and trauma, laryngeal mask and airways, and more), and easier-to-scan headings for each topic.