Judul : Pieces Of The Soul
Penulis : Amanah, Anisa Rafiah, Dian Andini, Devia Aryanty, Febby Tri Santoso, Lia Oktafiani Ayuningtyas, Lita Safitri, Nike Adenita, Novi Porman Rusmaida, Nur Muhamad Rifqi Al Mahdi, Prameswari Husnul Khotimah, Ratna Asri Khofiani, Risnawati, Sella Dwi Santika, Siti Parti Resmiyanti
Ukuran : 14,5 x 21
Tebal : 268 Halaman
Cover : Soft Cover
No. QRCBN : 62-2066-6455-147
“Pieces of the Soul” is a collection of short stories that delve into a range of emotions and experiences, each representing a fragment of life that shapes a person’s soul. Through narratives of love, hope, loss, and struggle, these stories take readers on a journey of self-discovery. Tales such as A New Chapter, Rainbow After the Rain, It Starts With You, and Tristy Fam vs. The Poverty Chain explore the challenges of adapting to new environments, overcoming family pressures, and breaking cycles of poverty. Meanwhile, A Love That Lingers in the Shadows of Soul, Love Is Painful, and The Magic of Affection highlight the complexities of love, revealing its pain, beauty, and enduring impact. Stories like The Bitterness of Black Coffee and The Sweetness of Cappuccino reflect the simplicity yet profound nature of love.
Other stories, such as Threads of Memory and Way Back Home, depict emotional journeys of letting go of the past to find new meaning in life. Encouragement to pursue dreams is vividly portrayed in Pink’s Dreams, The Colored Pencil, and You, even in the face of challenges. Beyond human relationships, The Ra & Che Dolls and Who’s Under the Bed? introduce elements of mystery and imagination, exploring emotional connections tied to memories of the past. This collection invites readers to reflect on the small but meaningful pieces that form the essence of the human soul.