Schools of Promise for Multilingual Students

By Nadia Granados, Norma González, Lee Gunderson, Reginald D’Silva, Steven Z. Athanases, Marnie W. Curry, Melissa Pérez Rhym, Suniti Sharma, Usha Gurumurthy, Ivana Espinet, Brian Collins, Ann Ebe, Douglas Fisher, Nancy Frey, Shelley Hong Xu, Jamie Schnablegger, Mark Conley

Schools of Promise for Multilingual Students
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This book introduces readers to the inner workings and innovative programs of schools that successfully serve bilingual and multilingual students, especially those who affiliate as Latinx. Readers will meet administrators, teachers, caregivers, and community members who embrace work together to advance students’ learning. They do this through varied school-wide initiatives that include caring for students in authentic ways, developing students’ home and academic languages, recruiting caregivers and community members to mentor students, establishing positive and respectful climates, providing rigorous instructional interventions, and inviting students to take leadership roles. This book will inspire teachers and school leaders to see the possibilities for humanizing schools with the ultimate goal of helping all students succeed.

Book Features:

  • Profiles of diverse schools across the United States and Canada that have advanced the literacy and language abilities of emergent bilinguals.
  • Descriptions of school-wide structures, policies, and practices that benefit multilingual students living in economically stressed communities.
  • A focus on multiple elements of academic and social initiatives that combine to support learning.