In the very beginning, God made the male and female equal in gender and power, so how did the female become secondary to the male? This book comprehensively reviews the initial gender equality of the sexes, how it was lost, and why it should be reclaimed. Accurate translation evidence is provided for words like desire, rule, head, and submission—words that have unnecessarily held back all females, especially Christian females, for thousands of years. Clear analysis of male/female brain functions, biblical languages, patriarchy, ancient law codes, complementarianism, slavery, rape, marriage, and verses like Genesis 3:16 and 1 Tim. 2:12 should satisfy most skeptics that it was never God’s intention for the female to be second to the male on a human totem pole. They were made to stand together on the same rung of creation’s hierarchical ladder and to freely use all of their talents and abilities. Females are now, and always have been, equally loved in the sight of God and needed in the Church and world.