The Darkest Days of the Civil War, 1864 and 1865: English Translation of Frederick W. Fout's 1902 Die Schwersten Tage des Bürgerkriegs, 1864 - 1865

By Frederick W. Fout, Philip Graupner

The Darkest Days of the Civil War, 1864 and 1865: English Translation of Frederick W. Fout's 1902 Die Schwersten Tage des Bürgerkriegs, 1864 - 1865
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An English translation of a Civil War history written by the German immigrant, Frederick W. Fout, based in large part on his personal experiences as an artillery officer in the Union Army throughout the war. He was a Medal of Honor recipient. This volume of his history is focused on the Battles of Franklin and Nashville, Tennessee at the end of 1864. It was published in German by his son in 1902. This is the only available translation.

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