Remember to Live!

By Thomas Ryan

Remember to Live!
Available for 14.95 USD
Inspirational This is a book about the importance of living your life now, about "remembering to live" by keeping your priorities clearly before you and using your time, talent, energy, and material resources accordingly. When we face the fact that this precious gift of life on planet earth is not given in limitless supply, it clarifies our vision and intention. We stop putting things off for "some day." None of us can escape the sobering reminders of our finitude like aging, illness, loss, death. The question is, how do we deal with those reminders? With fear and trepidation? Or with a desire to learn the lessons they have to teach and to continue growing through our encounter with them? Engaging with the themes in this book, whether with reference to ourselves or loved ones, is an invitation to more conscious, fuller, and deeper living. Remember to Live! is grounded in the reality of people's lives and has been enriched by the reflections, testimony, and experience of family, friends, and participants in retreats that the author has led over the past fifteen years. It is a resource that people will go back to time and again as one or the other of these realities associated with the second half of life touches them personally. At the end of each chapter are reflection questions, exercises, poems, and prayers to help readers do their inner work. Book jacket.
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