Before its collapse, the USSR created an apparatus of moles and agents and used them to infiltrate and gain control of unions, academia, entertainment, and the news media. By succeeding to the USSR’s efforts, a group of international financiers (the Alliance for Global Unity or AGU) gained control of one of America’s two political parties. Their goal is to destroy the West, principally America, and create a one-world government in which they control all things financial.
They now control Congress and the White House, with the Supreme Court basically divided. AGU’s handpicked president is up for reelection, but he has become dazzled by his own “rock star” status, and no longer follows orders. The control group determines that he must be assassinated so a new, more compliant candidate can be elected. The killing is to take place as the president delivers a Labor Day speech on the steps of the Capitol Building, but it must look as if the opposition party has done it.
In keeping with today’s polarized environment, a group of patriots from the military, intelligence, and industrial communities (the Society of Adam Smith or SAS) has formed in opposition to AGU. Two decades earlier, its leaders were part of a government team that trained a group of unique individuals code-named the Sleeping Dogs to become the deadliest hunter-killer black ops team ever. They were used on the most clandestine missions to neutralize America’s most dangerous enemies. In an effort to stop AGU’s assassination plans, SAS has reunited the Dogs.
Not only must the Dogs survive treachery and plot twists to foil the assassination attempt, they also must cripple AGU by bringing down the billionaire arbitrager who distributes funds in support of their sinister plans.