New Life

By Andrew Choi

New Life
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If we allow the Spirit continuously work within us, it is possible to be changed as a new person. Having a new life gives the new opportunity to write beautiful stories of love, friendship and hope in our new days. The written pages will become a book, entitled, “My new Life in the Land of new opportunity”. I recommend you to hold the pen to write potential ‘best seller’ of life to be filled in with the beautiful stories one day at a time; consistently keeping open to the wonderful possibility of changing and making the book of life of uplifting testimony with God’s help. Most of all, remember that you are new creatures in Christ as II Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come.”

After my experience of God, my soul became like butterfly that just came out from caterpillar, which transformed into the new creation.

We are new creation in Christ Jesus

The Old has gone! The New has come!

Throughout this book, we can see the contrasts and differences of two lives; old life and the new life.

Life bound in time and space/Life of eternity

Spiritual slavery life/Free life

Hopeless life/Hopeful life

Life of anxiety/Peaceful and worry-free life

Worn out life/Energetic life

Coward life/Courageous life,

Depressed life/Joyful life

Life bound in the past/Life focusing in the future

Earthly life/ Heavenly life in the Kingdom of God

Demander’s life/ Servants life

Life end with death/Life, eternal

Grudge life/Forgiving and generous life

Complainer’ life/Th ankful life

Rude life/ Humble life

Disobedient life/ Obedient life

Life without protection/Protected life

Regretful and resentful life/ Positive and delightful life

Friendless life/ Friendly life

Life of fl esh and blood/ Mighty spiritual life

Life of enmity and hatred/Reconciled life

Spiritually widowed life/Redeemed life

Life of cheater/ Life of prince

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